Occupational Health Assessments

Employee orientated services

To comply with Health & Safety regulations businesses are faced with demands to consider a wide variety of occupational health assessments. We can support you in this and offer:

We can provide paper-based templates for you to use, interactive online assessments or we can perform a detailed analysis, following on-site visits and interviews. Our assessments are carried out by consultants experienced in their field and you will be provided with a comprehensive report at conclusion.

Management orientated services and consultancy

Managing Health and Safety can be challenging. Through our consultancy and advisory service Business and Health Consultancy offers:

Our assessments and reports can be detailed and specific or more general, depending on your needs.
We can tailor the assessment to areas you specify. We do not adopt a one-size-fits-all approach.

Here is a selection of our tweets:

RIDDOR changed reporting of serious injuries at work from 3 days + to more than 7 days.

RIDDOR is expected to change in April and require accident reporting within 15 days of an accident.

Is your workstation set up properly? Book a professional assessment (http://goo.gl/qN2x5)

Interested in our other tweets? Follow us on twitter

Useful Links

List of chemical hazards by synonyms and trade names with links to CAS numbers and data sheets

List of chemical hazards by CAS number with link to data sheets

Safety @ Work cartoon

Good health is good business
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Last Update: August 18 2014